Saturday 15 August 2009

All ready to go!

It was months ago when I first heard that I was accepted in the IBM SAP Booster Program. It was exciting to know that IBM was willing to make the investment in me to make me into a SAP GRC consultant. I was happy enough just to be accepted in such a career changing opportunity.

But then, the double whammy came during my interview, when the executive in charge of the program, mentioned that part of the training would be in India!!! I try to always keep a poker face during these types of meetings, but when he said that, my mouth dropped open in disbelief and joy and excitement must have been written all over my face!

Not only would I be trained as a consultant in one of the hottest software tools currently being sold, but I would get to have the experience of India on top of that! He explained that half would be course work in India and the other half would be gathering experience working with the Indian team before coming back to working with our clients in Holland.

Later it turned out that because the course package in India was incomplete, I had the deeply disappointing news that I would not be going to India after all. Instead I'd be doing my course work in Den Bosch, Netherlands and Brussels. When I heard this at first I was irritated and a bit angry.

But then I realized how lucky I was to be in this SAP booster program whether it was in India or NL/Belgium. I then made an attitude adjustment and just thought about how nice it would be to be with my Peter at home and just be making small trips to other cities for training. It was the simpler and easier route with no huge cultural experiences that could interfere with learning all about SAP.

Lo and behold, out of the blue on Tuesday I was told that I'd be going after all! The two lovely IBM education women, Mirjam & Samantha, told me they had worked it out that I would start my SAP GRC courses next week in Bangalore. This meant that I would be leaving this weekend (16 August) and would not return until 16 October!

When I first heard the news, I felt so excited. But then, to my surprise, as I walked out of the room, and as I thought I'd call Peter and let him know, I felt this feeling of sadness. I would be leaving my beloved Peter, all my friends, my routine, my safe and 'gezellig' home life in De Kwakel and stepping out into the great Indian / SAP unknown.

IBM is making a big investment in me (during a world economic crisis time) and have put their faith in me, that in 2 months I'd be ready to consult the client in SAP, a tool that I have yet to even see, and the courses are starting next Wednesday! Besides the sadness of missing Peter and my world I have here, there is also a feeling of nervousness following me around as I prepare for my trip.

India has always fascinated me, but at the same time, it's never been on the top of my list of places to visit. There are all the colourful Bollywood visions in my head of temples, warm sunny climate, nature, the exotic foods, religion, people and cloths. And, there is also the 'Slum dog Millionaire' side of India with poverty, crime, hygiene, caste system and illiteracy I know exists just as strongly as the colourful vision.

I am certain that this will be a life changing experience. Not only with my experiences in India, but also because I'll return as a knowledgeable SAP consultant.

See you all in 2 months!

(You can call me 'Sappy Guru' from now on! ha ha!


  1. Hi there, Sappy Guru! Great blog, I look forward to reading your adventures in India. :-) All the best and success with your program! XXX from Jill
